Tuesday, February 26, 2019

About australia

                                       ABOUT AUSTRALIA

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Australia is a unique and diverse country in every way - in culture, population, climate, geography, and history.

Australia is a fun place although you might encounter wild animals, and creature's you may or may not heard of here are some examples of creatures you'll might encounter
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Image result for common dangerous animals in australia
Image result for common dangerous animals in australia


Australian culture is as broad and varied as the country's landscape. Australia is multicultural and multiracial and this is reflected in the country's food, lifestyle and cultural practices and experience.
Australia has an important heritage from its indigenous people, which plays a defining role in the cultural landscape.
This diversity of influences creates a cultural environment in Australia that is lively, energised, innovative and outward looking. 
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As of December 2014, Australia's population is roughly 23.6 million people. The most populous states are New South Wales and Victoria, with their respective capitals, Sydney and Melbourne, the largest cities in Australia.
Australia's population is concentrated along the coastal region of Australia from Adelaide to Cairns, with a small concentration around Perth, Western Australia. The centre of Australia is sparsely populated.


The majority of Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the year.
The northern states of Australia are typically warm all the time, with the southern states experiencing cool winters but rarely sub-zero temperatures.
Snow falls on the higher mountains during the winter months, enabling skiing in southern New South Wales and Victorian ski resorts, as well as the smaller resorts in Australia's island state, Tasmania.
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Nothern states
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Southern states


Australia is an island continent and the world's sixth largest country (7,682,300 sq km).

4,000 km from east to west and 3,200 km from north to south, with a coastline 36,735 km long.
Canberra is Australia's capital city. With a population of approximately 380,000 people and situated in the Australian Capital Territory, Canberra is roughly half way between the two largest cities Melbourne and Sydney.
Australia has 19 listed World Heritage properties. Australia is also famous for its landmark buildings including the Sydney Harbour Bridge; its ancient geology, as well as for its high country.
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Australia's first inhabitants, the Aboriginal people, are believed to have migrated from some unknown point in Asia to Australia between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago.
While Captain James Cook is credited with Australia's European discovery in 1770, a Portuguese possibly first sighted the country, while the Dutch are known to have explored the coastal regions in the 1640s.
The first European settlement of Australia was in January 1788, when the First Fleet sailed into Botany Bay under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip. Originally established as a penal colony, by the 1830s the number of free settlers was increasing. Transportation of convicts to the eastern colonies was abolished in 1852 and to the western colonies in 1868.
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Legal system

Australia follows a Westminster system of government and law inherited from the British who originally colonised the country.
There are two main political parties and a number of minor parties, which make up the Commonwealth Parliament. Each state and territory also has its own government.
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Here's a video about "Top 10 things to do in Australia"

Here are some famous theme parks in australia

Two cartoon characters in front of Dreamworld theme park
Image result for Adventure World

Special thank too.


here's there site please visit there site for more info



  1. Intresting vlog. Really informative and well detailed. Thanks for the information

  2. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nice! By the way, I have never seen a kangaroo before

  4. Very nice article!!!😊😊😊

  5. literally i have 0 knowledge on this country but now im more informed! i hope to see a kangaroo someday ✨

  6. Interesting, Australia is really interesting! tell me more!

  7. Its nice to know more about Australia.

  8. Your blog is so very nice to know about on australia

  9. Thanks for the info! It makes me attract to go and know more about this country thank you!

  10. interesting blog. Thanks for the information!

  11. Very informative. Great work!
